Rules and Regulations

  1. The Union shall be called the York Union of Golf Clubs, hereinafter known as “ The Union ”. The Union is a non-profit making organisation and the assets and income, including any surpluses, shall be used to maintain and implement the aims and objectives of The Union.  On winding up of The Union , any surplus or assets shall be distributed evenly between the member clubs and or other non-profit making body or bodies to be nominated by the Executive Committee.

  2. Object of The Union; to further the best interests of amateur golf and to encourage social contacts amongst members of the affiliated clubs by means of Amateur Championships, competitions and other events organised by The Union, in conformity with the requirements of the CONGU Unified Handicapping Scheme when running qualifying competitions.

  3. The Union shall consist of;

    1. Affiliated Golf Clubs – Aldwark Manor, Easingwold, Flaxby Park, Forest of Galtres, Forest Park,  Fulford, Heworth, Kirkbymoorside, Malton & Norton, The Oaks, Pike Hills, Sandburn Hall, Scarthingwell & York Golf Clubs.

      1. Which have a constitution and rules approved by the English Golf Union and the English Women’s Golf Association.

      2. Which recognise the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews as the ruling body of amateur golf and agree to abide by and implement the Rules of Golf and Amateur Status as approved by R & A Rules Ltd.

      3. Which undertake the control of all handicapping and conform to the requirements of the CONGU Universal Handicapping Scheme for all qualifying competitions.

      4. Which undertake to conform to the Rules and Regulations of The Union and pay promptly an annual subscription to The Union in respect of relevant Club Members on or before 1 st March, all such subscriptions to be reviewed annually by the Executive Committee.

      5. Which undertake to make their golf course available to the Union on a minimum of three days each year to enable The Union to meet its fixture obligations. This must include at least one Sunday and one other day during the period April 1st to September 30th, and one Sunday during the period from October 1st to March 31st the following year. Days are for the sole use of the Union, although time slots not required or used will be released back to the club for its own use. In addition, clubs are also required to host Inter club league matches, and to make individual times available for knockout competitions throughout the summer months.

  4. No Member Club of The Union whose subscription is in arrears on 30 th April shall be entitled to enter any Union Golf competition or event and any entry made by such club or its members shall be declared void. 

  5. A Member club wishing to withdraw from The Union shall give notice of its intention in writing no later than 30 th September in any year; such club shall be liable for any unpaid fees at the date of resignation.

  6. Any Club not meeting its obligations under the said rules may be suspended following investigation by the Executive Committee and could be subsequently disaffiliated by motion at a General Meeting.

  7. Any Club applying to join The Union shall make a commitment to adhere to The Union’s rules. The Executive Committee shall review the application and make its recommendation to the General Meeting for approval or refusal by the member clubs. Only a General Meeting can approve new member clubs.

  8. Any Appeal against the decision of the Executive Committee to disaffiliate a club pursuant to Rule 5 above shall be made to an EOGM. Notice in writing of such appeal shall have been given by the Club to the Secretary of The Union within fourteen days of the Club being notified of such decision. The Decision of the EOGM shall be final.

  9. The Officers of The Union shall be the President, Immediate past President, President Elect, Vice President Elect, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, and Hon. Competitions Secretary. They shall retire annually and are all subject to re-election (except the IPP) at each Annual General Meeting.

    1. The President Elect and Vice President Elect shall be nominated by each Member Club in rotation and will be formally presented to the Executive Committee at their January meeting for acceptance to be elected President in the following year.

    2. Variations to the Member Club rotation may be made at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

    3. Honoraria shall be paid at the discretion of the Executive Committee and be reviewed annually.

  10. Executive Committee

    The general management of The Union shall be vested in an Executive Committee properly convened and shall comprise the Officers, Junior Co-ordinator and two representatives from each member club. The Union President shall be Chairman; each will be entitled to vote. Voting shall be conducted by show of hands with simple majority to carry. In the event of a tie, the Chairman will have the casting vote.

    1. Ten members shall form a quorum.

    2. Member club’s representatives shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-nomination.

    3. Nominations for vacancies should be received by the Hon. Secretary 28 days prior to the AGM.

    4. Member Clubs may appoint a deputy to attend any meeting.

    5. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to co-opt a member of The Union to fill any vacancy in the Officers of the Union, but any appointments so made shall be subject to confirmation at the next General Meeting.

  11. The executive Committee shall ensure;

    1. That all activities organised and managed by The Union are conducted in accordance with current relevant legislation.

    2. Organise and determine the composition, terms of reference and delegated authority of such Sub-Committees as it shall consider appropriate to form.

    3. Without prejudice to the generality of the preceding sub clause, to appoint and delegate disciplinary powers to the Executives on duty at the event or competition, such authority to be exercised in accordance with Competition Rule 11. Any appeals against decisions to be lodged within 14 days.

  12. Variations to the Competition Rules may be made by the Executive Committee.

  13. The Executive Committee shall meet at least four times per annum.

  14. The Honorary Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of The Union and will have custody of all documents, including insurance policies belonging to the Union. He shall record and keep a full account of the minutes of all proceedings of The Union. A copy of the minutes should be sent to each Executive Committee member within 30 days of the meeting. He shall summon all meetings of the Executive and interact with the Secretary of the Inter District Union and County Secretary as necessary. Following the Audit of the Annual financial statement duly signed by the Auditor, the Hon. Secretary will send a copy of the financial statement to each club in The Union and will include such notices required by the rules and regulations for the time being. He shall act in accordance with the instructions and wishes of the Executive Committee.

  15. The Financial Year of The Union shall be from 1 st January to 31 st December.

  16. The Honorary Treasurer shall keep The Union’s account books in order and shall prepare a financial statement annually made up to 31 st December, he will submit this completed document to the Honorary Auditor for certification. In addition he shall record all monies received and disburse all monies payable by the Union according to the instructions of the Executive Committee and prepare interim reports for the mid-term meetings as required.

  17. A suitably qualified Reviewer may be nominated by the Executive Committee to examine the financial accounts of The York Union of Golf Clubs at any time during the financial year and as often as deemed necessary. The financial accounts can be made available to any persons nominated by the Executive Committee, subject to prior notice must be given to the Treasure to facilitate release of the financial accounts

  18. The Honorary Competition Secretary shall manage the running of all The Union competitions, he shall formulate an organising committee which shall consist of the President, President Elect, Hon. Secretary, and such other co-opted members to form a championship committee as they may from time to time require. He will agree fixtures with Clubs for the following year, and will arrange to meet Club representatives if necessary before the end of April to resolve any problems with dates and / or venues.

  19. Entry Fees and prizes

    1. Entry Fees shall be determined by the Executive committee from time to time, and notified to member clubs before the first Summer competition each year. Fees will be apportioned to the Competition Prize Funds and Union Funds in a ratio determined by the Executive Committee.

    2. Maximum Prize limits for competitions shall be determined by the Executive Committee, and will be reviewed from time to time.

    3. The total Prize Fund for each competition will normally be determined by the number of entrants to the competition, but may be adjusted by the Executive Committee as necessary.

  20. The Junior Coordinator, Hon.  Secretary, President and President Elect plus any other members of the Executive so elected shall form a Junior Committee to manage the junior team; they will have the responsibility for organising junior events in line with fixtures and other Union commitments. All such events will be run in line with the Union’s Child Protection Policy which will be established and maintained to the appropriate standards by the Executive Committee.

  21. General Meetings ; Fourteen days notice must be given to call any General Meeting. Any of the Member Clubs may demand and Extraordinary Meeting, such notice to be sent to the Secretary of The Union in writing, stating the reason for desiring such a General meeting. Such meetings must be convened within twenty-eight days of the demand being received.

  22. No Rule of The Union shall be repealed, or altered, nor any new rule adopted except by special resolution at a General Meeting. Only a properly convened meeting of the member clubs or the Executive Committee may put forward any resolution to the General Meeting, notice of any rules to be altered or added at a General Meeting, shall be sent to the Secretary in writing twenty-one days before such meeting.

    1. General meetings may be attended by any Full member of a member club, but in addition to the Executive Committee, only two persons may vote on behalf of each member club.

  23. The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than 30 th April each year

    1. To receive reports for the preceding year.

    2. To receive audited statement of accounts for the preceding year

    3. To elect Officers, Junior Coordinator and elected members.

    4. To elect an Honarary Auditor.

    5. To transact any other general or special business, provided the details of such business have been specified in the notice convening the meeting;

  24. The Executive Committee from time to time may recommend the appointment of a person to the position of Hon. Life Vice President iin recognition of special services rendered to The Union and to amateur golf; any such recommendation shall be put to a General Meeting for ratification.

  25. Trophies are the property of The Union and will be held in safe custody by the winners of competitions until the date of the following year’s competition. Any loss or damage to trophies should be reported immediately to the Secretary of The Union.

  26. All officers, present and past, members of the Executive, or any Amateur Champion or player who has represented the Union in six matches or championships shall be entitled to wear The Union tie and badge.

  27. Any matters arising which are not provided for in the foregoing general rules may be dealt with by the Executive Committee, but any action so taken shall be subject to confirmation at the next General Meeting.

  28. Byelaws; The Executive Committee are authorised to create byelaws as may be required from time to time. If a byelaw ceases to have a temporary status then it can be brought forward at a General Meeting for adoption.